In the world of TikTok, new stars and funny phrases can become famous overnight. One recent example is the TikTok Hawk Tuah girl, also known as the “Spit on That Thing” girl. She became popular because of a bold and funny answer she gave during a street interview. Here’s everything you need to know about her and why she’s trending.

How did the TikTok Hawk Tuah girl meme start?

The TikTok Hawk Tuah girl got her start in a street interview by Tim and Dee, who are known for their funny videos on YouTube and Instagram. On a lively night in Nashville, Tennessee, they asked two women, “What’s one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time?” One of the women answered confidently, “Oh, you gotta give him that ‘hawk tuah’ and spit on that thang.”


Bu gönderiyi Instagram’da gör


Tim & Dee TV (@timanddeetv)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi

The phrase “hawk tuah” sounds like someone spitting, and it added a funny and bold twist to her answer. This video quickly grabbed people’s attention.

Going viral

The video was first posted on Instagram on June 10, 2024, and it got over eight million views quickly. It was then reposted on TikTok, where it gained even more attention. TikToker @iamdlaney reposted it on June 12, and it got 2.4 million views, spreading the meme even more.

A big reason for its spread was a green-screen template made from the video. This template allowed TikTok users to add the “Hawk Tuah” girl into different funny situations.


Worked like magic #hawktuah #hawktua #Meme #MemeCut #CapCut

♬ original sound – Joe Powalisz


What does “Hawk Tuah” mean?

“Hawk tuah” is a sound word for spitting. In the context of the meme, it suggests a playful, slightly risqué action. The whole phrase “spit on that thang” adds to the humor, making it catchy and shareable.

The mystery of her identity: Who is TikTok Hawk Tuah girl?

Despite her fame, the real identity of the “Hawk Tuah” girl remains a mystery. While Tim & Dee’s social media have dropped some hints about her, respecting her privacy is important.

Why TikTok Hawk Tuah girl trending anyway?

Several reasons explain why the “Hawk Tuah” girl went viral:

  • Authenticity: Her spontaneous and real response felt genuine, making people connect with her.
Who is the TikTok Hawk Tuah girl: Meme explained
Who is the TikTok Hawk Tuah girl
  • Humor: The combination of her Southern accent, bold statement, and funny phrase made the video easy to share.
  • Creativity: The green-screen template allowed many TikTok users to create their own versions, spreading the meme further.
  • Mystery: Not knowing who she is keeps people interested and talking about her.


The “Hawk Tuah” girl’s rise to fame shows how social media can turn ordinary moments into viral hits. Her video has entertained millions and sparked lots of creativity and discussion online. As memes continue to shape internet culture, the “Hawk Tuah” girl reminds us how quickly someone can become an internet sensation.

The “Hawk Tuah” girl’s story is a perfect example of how a funny moment can become a viral trend. From a simple street interview to a TikTok star, her journey highlights the unpredictable nature of viral content and the internet’s love for bold personalities. As people continue to wonder about her real identity, she remains a popular and intriguing figure on social media.


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