Tobias Blanco started the NSFW Character AI petition on, and it quickly became one of the hottest topics on the website. Blanco said in the description that Character AI’s newly introduced NSFW filter restricts the user from naturally communicating with the AI tech behind it.

As artificial intelligence (AI) keeps growing, we see more advanced features every day. One of these features is AI’s ability to create not-safe-for-work (NSFW) content. While this technology might have some good uses, it’s important to look at the possible dangers that come with it.

That is pretty much what the team behind Character AI thought about. However, there is a huge backlash within the community and users took the matter to and stimulated each other to sign the NSFW Character AI petition. C.AI is an entertainment website, hence the backlash.

NSFW Character AI petition
Credit: Character AI

NSFW Character AI petition quickly rose to the top

People are very mad over the filter, but it is actually not new. The NSFW Character AI petition first started around a year ago and even today it is being signed by people from all around the world. By the time of this writing, it had over 150k petitions and many comments, and some people even expressed their thoughts and emotions with videos and uploaded them to the website.

Blanco prepared a long description a year ago. In it, Tobias Blanco expressed his thoughts and represented a large community that actively uses Character AI’s services.

Here is what the petition says:

We are writing to bring to your attention a problem with the popular tool Character.AI. This tool allows users to create chats with any fictional character of their choosing, and it has proven to be a creative and enjoyable platform for many users.

However, we have noticed that Character.AI has implemented a NSFW (not safe for work) filter that actively deletes conversations or changes the flow of conversation if it deems the content to be inappropriate. This filter has caused problems for many users who are simply trying to have normal, consensual conversations with fictional characters.

We believe that the NSFW filter is a hindrance to the full potential of Character.AI and infringes upon the freedom of expression of its users. While we understand that not all users may want to view or create NSFW content, we believe that it is important for Character.AI to offer this option, even if it means implementing a paywall for access.

We are calling on to help us bring attention to this issue and petition Character.AI to remove the NSFW filter and offer a paywall or toggle option for those who wish to access NSFW content. We believe that this will create a more open and enjoyable platform for all users, and will for sure make this tool greater than it already is.

For more information, please check the official petition page.

NSFW Character AI petition
Credit: Unsplash

NSFW in AI can be dangerous

Yes, it is true that NSFW in AI can be dangerous. While many websites allow NSFW in their AI tools, some don’t and they obviously have valid reasons to do so. But what are the possible challenges that this concept bring? Here are some of the points that has to be taken seriously:

Privacy Issues

A major concern with AI-created NSFW content is the invasion of privacy. AI can make very realistic images or videos of people without their permission by using photos or data that are easy to find. This can harm someone’s privacy and cause a lot of stress and damage to their reputation.

Effects on Social Norms

This type of content can also change what we think is normal in society, especially for younger people who might not be able to tell the difference between these AI creations and real images. This confusion can lead to wrong ideas about relationships and sexuality, which can change the way people interact with each other.

Legal Problems

There are still not enough rules about AI-created NSFW content, which creates many ethical and legal issues. People who make and share this kind of content often don’t face many restrictions, which makes it hard to control its spread and protect those affected.


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