There are many popular games on Roblox and Aura Craft is one of them. Today, we will give you a list of all Roblox Aura Craft recipes as there are hundreds of different combinations to choose from!

Aura Craft is a popular game on Roblox that lets players create unique auras by combining different elements. While finding new auras is fun, it can become a bit tedious after a while. To make things easier, we’ve put together a list of all the crafting recipes in the game.

Understanding these combinations will improve your gameplay and help you get the rarest and most powerful auras. Keep reading to discover all the recipes and get the most out of your Aura Craft experience.

aura craft roblox recipes
Credit: Roblox Aura Craft

All Roblox Aura Craft recipes

Here is a list of all the aura crafting recipes in Roblox Aura Craft:

Target Aura Element 1 Element 2
Abundance Infinite Monk
Adrenaline Metal Power
AI Zenith Technology
Alien Moon Rocket
Air Tree Tree
Amber Death Gem
Angel God Time
Aquatic Life Water
Apex Life Vengeance
Apollo Star God
Apocalypse Doom Doom
Ares Knight God
Aurora Borealis Space Spirit
Awesome Joy Hyper
Balance Perfection Monk
Batman Bat Superhero
Big Bang Space Explosive
Beacon Starlight Zenith
Boss Darkness Power
Bubbles Magic Water
Buddha Monk Energy
Blackhole Vortex Space
Blizzard Storm Snow
Blossom Ninja Plant
Breeze Air Calm
Brokie Cycle Wealth
Butterfly Nature Life
Calm Monk Air
Chained Death Freedom
Chaos Chaos Reaper
Chemistry Geometry Science
Cloud Air Air
Coal Stone Stone
Contrast Cycle Equinox
Courage Power Power
Crab Aquatic Rhythm
Crust Earth Eruption
Cryptic Vision Hypnotic
Cryogen Time Ice
Cursed Darkness Darkness
Daisy Life Rose
Darkness Void Death
Dark Angel Phantom Darkness
Dark Matter Space Time
Darth Jedi Supervillain
Demon Ninja Fire
Deception Wonder Mystery
Death Life Cycle
Desert Sand Sand
Devil God Death
Disco Energy Party
Divine Power Angel
Doom Metal Power
Dragon Power Phoenix
Dream Time Sleep
Drought Desert Death
Dubstep Power Rhythm
Dust Plant Fire
Earthquake Earth Spirit
Eclipse Cycle Space
Emerald Gem Luck
Energy Water Dust
Ender Magic Portal
Eruption Geyser Magma
Eternal Energy Infinite
Eternal Flame Energy Fire
Equinox Tranquility Serenity
Euphoria Energy Radiance
Explosive Plasma Radioactive
Fairy Magic Life
Fermotic Synthwave Plasma
Firefly Star Life
Fission Nuclear Supernova
Floral Rainbow Spring
Freedom Spring Life
Frostbite Blizzard Life
Future Time Infinite
Glacier Ice Earth
Galaxy Space Space
Gem Coal Coal
Geometry Unity Balance
Geyser Water Volcano
Giga Divine Noob
Glitter Rainbow Shimmer
God Sky Life
Gold Water Coal
Gravity Energy Space
Graveyard Earth Haunted
Heaven Sky God
Harmony Cloud Rainbow
Harp Rhythm Zen
Haunted Phantom Phantom
Hellbent Death Rage
Heartbreak Love Death
Hidden Explosive Radioactive
Hip Hop Speed Rhythm
Hurricane Storm Storm
Hypnotic Life Rainbow
Hyper Adrenaline Speed
Ice Water Time
Infinite Time Time
Infinite Vortex Infinite Vortex
Inspiration Time Power
Itadori Sorcerer Rage
Jedi Space Superhero
Joker Sinister Batman
Joy Sad Cycle
Karma Past Future
King of Fire Fire Magic
Knight Royal Power Life
KO Ninja Rage
Lava Fire Earth
Life Time Planet
Lightning Energy Storm
Love Rainbow Rose
Luck RNG Life
Luxury Supreme Supreme
Macabre Reaper Reaper
Magma Lava Lava
Magic Spirit Spirit
Magnetic Stone Gravity
Medusa God Nightmare
Metal Fire Stone
Meteor Stone Space
Meteor Shower Meteor Meteor
Mermaid Aquatic Life
MLG Noob Big Bang
Monk Ying Yang Water
Moon Night Stone
Muse Rainbow Buddha
Mystery Infinite Infinite
Mystic Time Magic
Nature Energy Energy
Nebula Gravity Gravity
Necromancer Death Energy
Ninja Monk Fire
Nightmare Time Monk
Noob Troll Sad
North Star Star Aurora Borealis
Nuclear Devil Life
Night Sky Time
Ocean Water Water
Omniscient God Future
Ominous Courage Time
Party Phonk Adernaline
Past Wonder Future
Peace Raven Harmony
Plant Earth Water
Planet Earth Star
Platinum Life Explosive
Plague Life Toxic
Plasma Lightning Lightning
Phantom Death Peace
Phoenix Life Fire
Phonk Future Rhythm
Pirate Sinister Aquatic
Portal Magic Vortex
Posseidon Trident God
Power Energy Life
Prism Perfection Third Eye
Pulse Love Rhythm
Quartz Stone Rainbow
Quasar Galaxy Pure
Radiance Courage Energy
Rae Demon Energy
Rain Sad Cloud
Radioacitve Energy Toxic
Rainbow Spirit Storm
Raven Death Life
Reaper Life Reaper
Revenge Rage Vengeance
Relativity Gravity Vision
Rhythm RNG Infinite
Rift Wind Portal
RNG Ying Yang Time
Robot Metal Life
Rocket Space Science
Rose Plant Nature
Royalty Life God
Ruby Gem Love
Sand Stone Dust
Sandstorm Energy Sand
Serenity Harmony Harmony
Science Life Space
Singularity Infinite Vortex Quasar
Sinister Doom Life
Sith Darth Supreme
Shadow Darkness Starlight
Shimmer Magic Wand
Sky Wind Air
Snow Ice Spirit
Sorcerer Magic Magic
Speed Ninja Wind
Specter Life Phantom
Space Sky Sky
Sphinx Desert Geometry
Spring Infinite Blossom
Spirit Dust Fire
Spout Water Tornado
Star Earth Space
Stone Earth Earth
Storm Water Spirit
Super Power Energy
Superb Gold Harmony
Superhero Life Super
Supernova Gravity Star
Supervillain Devil Super
Solar Wind Wind Star
Starlight Star MAgic
Sunshine Energy Sky
Supreme Power Boss
Swamp Water Tree
Synthwave Rhythm Technology
Tacos Awesome Rain
Technology Energy Science
Techtronic Synthwave Speed
Tesla Lightning Metal
Third Eye Monk Rainbow
Toxic Fire Death
Tornado Spirit Wind
Tranquility Sleep Calm
Troll Technology Cursed
Tsunami Water Storm
Treasure Stone Gem
Trident Life Tsunami
Twilight Sky Nigh
UFO Alien Rocket
Unity Power Life
Vengeance Unity Death
Vibrance Earth Gem
Vision Infinite God
Void Time Blackhole
Volcano Lava Earth
Vortex Earth Galaxy
Warith Death Spirit
Waterfall Water Power
Wealth Gold Boss
Werewolf Death Cycle
Wicked Time Sinister
Wildfire Fire Fire
Wonder Life Mystery
Ying Yang Water Fire
Yoda Zen Jedi
Zen Calm Ninja
Zenith Life Life
Zeus Lightning God


Non-craftable Auras in Roblox Aura Craft

Some auras in Roblox Aura Craft can be obtained through specific tasks or by buying them from the shop. Here’s a list of these non-craftable auras and how you can get them:

Target Aura Obtainment Method
Time Stay inside the Game for 1 Minute
Bat Visit the Cave in front of the Spawn Area
Lava Jump into the Lava below the bridge to the Cave
Brilliant Obtained via Spinning from the Aura Shop (90% Chance)
Cosmic Obtained via Spinning from the Aura Shop (8% Chance)
Jackpot Obtained via Spinning from the Aura Shop (2% Chance)
???? Obtained via Spinning from the Aura Shop (0.05% Chance)
Sad Obtained via Spinning from the Rare Aura Shop (80% Chance)
Cycle Obtained via Spinning from the Rare Aura Shop (18% Chance)
Pure Obtained via Spinning from the Rare Aura Shop (2% Chance)
Hax Obtained via Spinning from the Rare Aura Shop (0.05% Chance)

Anime Crossover Defense codes and how to redeem them in Roblox

How to create Auras

Mix the elements you have on the screen to create auras in Roblox Aura Craft. At the start, you only have four basic elements: Water, Fire, Wind, and Earth. By combining any two elements, you can create new auras. For example, mixing Earth and Fire will create Lava. You can then combine Lava with other elements to create more auras.

aura craft roblox recipes
Here is our experience after crafting Stone. Screenshot by Seekyt

How many Auras are there?

Roblox Aura Craft has a total of 273 auras for players to discover and create. With so many combinations, the game offers endless possibilities and keeps players engaged. By following this guide and using the recipes listed, you can explore all the auras the game offers and enhance your gameplay.


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